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发布日期:2022-04-27 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



The three "incurable diseases" that the ancients were most afraid of, they can only die if they get it, but now they can be easily treated


As we all know, due to the underdevelopment of ancient medical technology and poor medical equipment, the average life expectancy of ancient people is far behind that of modern people. Even if the emperor is in such a high position, he has no worries about seeing a doctor, and the average life expectancy is only about 40 years old. Ordinary people would not dare to think about it.


If it were to die, maybe the number wouldn't be so low. However, in ancient times, very few people could die. If they are not careful, a minor illness can easily take a life.


Of course, minor illnesses are aimed at the modern medical level. Since human beings entered modern times, medical technology has also made revolutionary progress. Before that, fevers, colds could kill people, not to mention some other modern diseases. Today, the author will tell you that the three "incurable diseases" that the ancients were most afraid of have been broken in modern times, and they can be easily treated, so that everyone can have a more comprehensive understanding of the medical level in ancient times.


The first is tuberculosis. I believe you have seen this disease in many costume dramas. The patient presented with prolonged coughing and even lung pain in the audience of the coughing. Moreover, such patients are generally skinny and cough up blood in the later stage, which looks like an incurable disease.


In fact, tuberculosis, called pulmonary tuberculosis, is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Since it is caused by bacteria, the best response is antibiotics. The ancestor of antibiotics, penicillin, was not discovered until 1929 by the British bacteriologist Fleming. Antibiotics were not possible in ancient times.


Therefore, the ancients could only rely on their own immune systems to fight against this disease, and generally very few people survived, which fully illustrates what is meant by "life and death decided by gods". Therefore, tuberculosis undoubtedly ranks first among the incurable diseases in ancient times.


Next is diabetes. For modern medicine, diabetes is the high blood sugar concentration in the blood. Honestly, even with the advancement of medical technology today, this disease cannot take root. Modern people can control it by injecting insulin, and it has gradually become a "healthy disease", which is completely incompatible with incurable diseases. Moreover, with the popularization of synthetic insulin, the price of an insulin has dropped from the original sky-high price to the price of cabbage, and any class can afford it.


But in ancient times, let alone insulin, even diabetes could not be diagnosed. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had diabetes. At that time, he sought medical treatment, but there was no progress. It was not until the Huns offered a miracle medicine that he controlled his diabetes. But it was so difficult for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to treat diabetes, and most people don't even have to think about it. If they get this disease, they can only die.


But the good news is that the incidence of diabetes in the folk is not high. After all, it is a kind of "wealth disease". If it is not big fish and meat, it is difficult to suffer from it, and the probability of people thinking of this "incurable disease" is quite low.


The third is rabies. Of course, rabies is also an incurable disease in modern medicine, but only in the onset. If you have the rabies virus in your body, but you don't have the disease, you can still get rid of it with a rabies vaccine. But in ancient times, after being bitten by a dog, there was no vaccine at all. I can only pray that this dog is free of rabies. To put it bluntly, it is still a life-threatening disease.


But it is said that in ancient times, there was an earthwork for the treatment of rabies, that is, to kill the biting dog, take out its brain and apply it to the bitten place, which is said to prevent the onset of rabies. Of course, this method has not been practiced by modern people and has no medical basis. In the final analysis, it is just the self-comfort of the ancients.


From these three ancient incurable diseases, it is not difficult to see the gap between ancient medicine and modern medicine. This is the main reason for the low average life expectancy of ancient people. In fact, if we can live a healthy life, the lifespan of ancient and modern people may not be different. However, the world is always full of too many germs and dangers. Considering our modern medical level, we are really much happier than the ancients.

From website: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/

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