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发布日期:2021-11-23 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



Understanding religious extremism


Religious extremism is a political science concept, a trend of extremism that has emerged under the banner of religion. Its purpose is to restore theocratic rule and establish a state where politics and religion are united. Since the end of the Cold War, religious extremism has been unprecedentedly active.


After entering the 21st century, it has been combined with terrorism and national separatism, posing a huge security threat to the international order and regional stability.


Religious extremism has basic characteristics such as extreme, deceptive, political, and violent. Its essence is anti-social, anti-scientific, and anti-human. It is an evil reactionary force in contemporary international political life. In order to achieve their ulterior political goals, they arbitrarily distort and modify religions, incite religious fanaticism, incite hatred between sects, different beliefs, and different ethnic groups, and create violent conflicts.


The main characteristics of religious extremism


Infiltrating religious extremist thoughts through various methods, engaging in violent terrorism and separatist activities, especially using religious extremist thoughts to incite some young people who are not deeply involved in the world to follow blindly, and even embark on the path of no return to engaging in violent and terrorist activities. Victims of political conspiracy.


In order to achieve the purpose of inciting religious fanaticism and controlling religious believers, religious extremist forces wantonly distort and tamper with religious doctrines and fabricate various heretics under the banner of religion. They preach "Holy war and martyrs into heaven" and "killing a heretic is better than doing it for ten years." Gong, you can go directly to heaven. "You can do whatever you want in heaven." This can be used to confuse and lure religious believers and launch so-called "holy wars" in extremely brutal ways such as suicide attacks;


Advocating theocratic theory, inciting the masses to "not obey anyone except God", instigating religious people to boycott government management; advocating the theory of paganism, treating all people who do not follow extreme practices as infidels, religious traitors, national scum, and inciting Insulting, repelling, and isolating non-believers, party members and cadres and patriotic religious persons; advocating the supremacy of religion, opposing all the achievements of modern civilization, repelling long-inherited national customs and traditional national culture, and preaching that "you cannot watch TV, listen to the radio, or read "Newspapers", people are not allowed to sing and dance, "you are not allowed to laugh at weddings, and you are not allowed to cry at funerals", young people are forced to wear big beards, and women wear masked robes;


The generalization of "halal" means that not only food, but also medicines, cosmetics, and clothing are labeled as halal. It promotes that government-sponsored houses are not halal, and the daily necessities produced by mainland enterprises are not halal.


Through the infiltration of religious extremist ideas, it destroys national unity, creates national divisions, provokes opposition between religious believers and non-believers, religious believers and the government, forming a real force against the government, and attempts to create social unrest and undermine development through violent terrorist activities And stability.

From website:www.baidu.com

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