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发布日期:2021-11-22 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



Which is the higher the heat of the air fryer or the heat of frying?


The working principle of the air fryer is "high-speed air circulation technology". It generates hot air by heating the heat pipe in the machine at a high temperature, and then uses a fan to blow high-temperature air into the pot to heat the food, so that the hot air circulates in a closed space. Use the fat of the food itself to fry the food, thereby dehydrating the food, and the surface becomes golden and crispy, achieving the effect of frying. Therefore, the air fryer is actually a simple oven with a fan.


Our ordinary frying is to put the food in a large pot of oil to fry, first heat the oil, and use the hot oil to quickly lose water on the surface of the food, so as to achieve a crispy outside and tender inside.

油炸食品,脂肪和热量通常比其他烹饪方法,做出的食物要高很多。比如,100g烤鳕鱼柳,含有105大卡热量及1g脂肪,而同样是100g的炸鳕鱼,则含有232大卡热量及12g脂肪。另外,炸过的鸡胸也比等量的烤鸡,脂肪要多出大约30% 。这也是小伙伴们对油炸食物,望而却步的主要原因。

Fried foods usually have much higher fat and calories than other cooking methods. For example, 100g of grilled cod fillet contains 105 calories and 1g of fat, while 100g of fried codfish contains 232 calories and 12g of fat. In addition, the fried chicken breast is about 30% more fat than the same amount of grilled chicken. This is also the main reason why friends are hesitant to fried food.


However, the air fryer can reduce the fat content of fried food by more than 75%. A better air fryer can reduce and reduce more fat. The wind speed and oil drain can filter out the fat. The taste is no less healthy than fried. So the air fryer is really a good thing for those who like to eat frying.

From website: https://www.zhihu.com

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