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发布日期:2021-11-19 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



The national birth rate has reached a new low, population experts: negative growth may be ahead of schedule


The national birth rate has reached a new low. Recently, the "China Statistical Yearbook 2021" disclosed that the national birth rate in 2020 was 8.52‰, which fell below 10‰ for the first time, while the natural population growth rate during the same period was only 1.45‰.


The declining fertility rate has always been a hot topic of public concern.


In May of this year, Ning Jizhe, deputy leader of the Seventh National Census Leading Group of the State Council and Director of the National Bureau of Statistics, introduced at the press conference of the State Council Information Office that from the perspective of the total population, although the growth rate of my country's total population is slowing , But still maintained steady growth. At the same time, the census data also reflects that my country’s population development is facing some structural contradictions, such as the decline in the size of the working-age population and women of childbearing age, the deepening of the aging degree, the decline in the total fertility rate, and the decline in the number of births.


Ning Jizhe believes that the impact of demographic changes on the economy and society should be viewed dialectically. First, the basic national conditions of my country's large population base and large population have not changed. The super-large-scale domestic market advantage will exist for a long time, and the population and resource environment will remain in a tight balance. At the same time, population growth has slowed down, and measures need to be taken to promote long-term balanced population development.


In response to the current demographic issues and challenges, Lu Jiehua, vice president of the Chinese Society of Demography and professor of the Department of Sociology at Peking University, said in an exclusive interview with China News Weekly that from the law of population changes, the time of demographic dividend should be extended as much as possible, and some institutional arrangements should be adopted. To learn from some successful experiences and failure lessons brought about by the negative population growth of other countries, avoid detours, and achieve sustainable social and economic development.


Negative growth may advance


China News Weekly: "China Statistical Yearbook 2021" disclosed that the national birth rate in 2020 will be 8.52‰, falling below 10‰ for the first time. What does this data mean?


Lu Jiehua: Since the founding of New China, except for natural disasters, the natural growth rate has been the lowest in the few years, and the decline has been relatively severe. In the past, we were all positive growth, most of the annual birth rate was basically double-digit, now 8.52‰, but the death rate is still on the rise, because the proportion and scale of the elderly population is gradually expanding.


China News Weekly: Does that mean that the population is close to negative growth?


Lu Jiehua: The data is still "positive". The natural growth rate is 1.45‰. The 2021 natural year has not yet passed. The absolute number of births and deaths has not been announced, and that is a relative number. The number of deaths in 2019 was more than 9.8 million, but due to the aging of the population, this number is rising every year. Last year, the number of births was 12 million. If this year is less than 10 million, it may enter negative growth.


China News Weekly: The pace of negative population growth has advanced.


Lu Jiehua: Yes, faster. Previously, it was estimated that it will enter negative growth from 2027 to 2030. Now if there is no growth this year and there is no rebound next year, it may be the past two years.


China News Weekly: Will the three-child release this year be effective?


Lu Jiehua: At least it didn't work this year. If it was released in May, there is no effect yet. It is more difficult to solve the population problem by letting go of three children, because the proportion of three children in the entire birth population is not particularly large. The most important thing is one child with two children. After the previous release of the second child policy, the expectation is lower than before, so Let go of the third child.


China News Weekly: This year's 7th Census data has also been released. Do you think that according to the current population growth trend, will the population peak in the past two years?


Lu Jiehua: If the death rate this year exceeds the birth rate, then this peak may go down, but it remains to be seen whether it will return next year. For example, next year the third child is about to be born, will it offset some of the death rate? There may be some fluctuations.


China News Weekly: What is the current age structure of our country?


Lu Jiehua: The bottom is shrinking, the top is growing, and the middle-aged labor force near the top is also aging. This changing trend determines that it is relatively difficult for us (population) to maintain positive growth, because the entire age structure is aging.


China News Weekly: What impact will this structural form have on the economy and society?


Lu Jiehua: Both the total population and the structure of the population are fundamental and overall strategic variables for social and economic development. Population is a slow variable, and it will actually affect several decades as a long period. It will bring continuous challenges to demographic dividends, pensions, and old-age care.


Quantitative to qualitative


China News Weekly: In your opinion, what is the nature of the drain on the demographic dividend?


Lu Jiehua: It's a challenge. In the past, it relied on a quantitative demographic dividend. If this dividend disappears in the future, it will need to rely on a quality dividend. The current quantitative demographic dividend has not completely disappeared. It is just going downward. The labor force is still relatively large. It is just that the scale and proportion have declined compared with a dozen or twenty years ago. On the one hand, it is possible to delay retirement to ensure this proportion and scale, on the other hand, it can improve labor efficiency and human capital to obtain the second demographic dividend.


From the perspective of the law of population change, delay the arrival of negative population growth as much as possible, and extend the time of demographic dividend as much as possible. We can use some institutional arrangements to learn from some successful experiences and failure lessons brought by negative population growth in other countries. Detours will enable us to maintain sustainable social and economic development even with negative growth.


China News Weekly: Some experts believe that it should be fully liberalized, and some believe that it should be liberalized slowly. What do you think?


Lu Jiehua: The law of development is that full liberalization is better. If full liberalization still does not work, at least the downward trend can be slowed, and then other measures can be used to cope with changes in the fertility rate that is too low or negative growth. The gradual liberalization may be due to the fact that China’s population is so large and may be worried about potential problems, so it is also a process of gradual optimization of the fertility policy, but if the future really faces negative growth, then further adjustments must be made.

From website: http://baijiahao.baidu.com/


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