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译语翻译分享-一唆面条就发作 “烟雾病”了解下

发布日期:2021-11-17 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



"Moyamoya disease" occurs as soon as you instigate noodles


Moyamoya has nothing to do with smoking


"Moyamoya disease"? I believe many people hear this unfamiliar term and think it is a smoking-related disease. actually not! Moyamoya disease is due to the progressive stenosis or occlusion of the main branch blood vessels of the brain, which leads to abnormal proliferation of the vascular network at the base of the skull and the formation of smoke blood vessels, which triggers a series of symptoms. Because this kind of abnormal blood vessels at the base of the skull resemble the rising smoke on the cerebral angiography images, it is vividly called "moyamoya disease".


If children suffer from moyamoya disease, they will generally have symptoms such as speech confusion, headaches of varying degrees, irritability and irritability. Early symptoms in adults are more obvious, such as varying degrees of vomiting, dizziness, headache, numbness of the limbs, blurred vision, etc.


How does eating noodles trigger a strange disease "organ"?


According to the doctor Chen Shichao, the first symptoms of many moyamoya disease patients are numbness and muscle weakness caused by eating noodles. The reason why we get sick when we eat noodles is mainly because we have to inhale hard when we eat noodles, which leads to excessive carbon dioxide emissions from the brain. As a result, cerebral blood vessels constrict and blood flow is reduced. Patients with moyamoya disease will have corresponding symptoms due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.


In fact, patients with moyamoya disease may also experience similar symptoms during intense exercise and emotional agitation, such as anger, crying, and running.

There are two ways to deal with this rare disease



Moyamoya disease is a rare disease. At present, the medical community recognizes that once moyamoya disease is diagnosed, surgical treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. Before the irreversible dysfunction of the brain tissue appears, collateral circulation channels of blood flow should be established through surgery to improve the brain's blood supply and prevent cerebral ischemic damage.


There are two treatment options for moyamoya disease.

第一种方案是颞浅动脉贴敷术 颞浅动脉贴敷是把颞浅动脉分离后形成筋膜条,缝合于硬膜上贴敷于大脑表面,慢慢形成侧支循环,给大脑供血。贴敷手术的优势在于手术方式简单、创面较小。

The first option is superficial temporal artery application. Superficial temporal artery application is to separate the superficial temporal artery to form a fascia strip, which is sutured to the dura and applied to the surface of the brain to slowly form collateral circulation and supply blood to the brain. The advantages of patch surgery are simple operation and small wounds.

第二种方案是颅内外血管搭桥术 这是一种通过颅外血管与颅内主要分支血管连接的方式,将颅外动脉系统血液直接引入缺血脑组织的手术方案。直接搭桥手术可迅速建立血管的侧支通道,短时间内可改善局部脑供血不足的症状,但该手术的不足在于改善范围有限。

The second option is intracranial and extracranial vascular bypass surgery. This is a surgical procedure in which blood from the extracranial arterial system is directly introduced into the ischemic brain tissue by connecting the extracranial blood vessels with the main branches of the intracranial blood vessels. Direct bypass surgery can quickly establish collateral passages of blood vessels, and can improve the symptoms of local cerebral insufficiency in a short time, but the disadvantage of this surgery is that the scope of improvement is limited.


Whether it is a bypass or a patch, the extracranial blood is drained into the skull. The implementation of the combined operation plan of bypass and patch can effectively overcome the shortcomings of the two, and through the combination of the two, the blood flow collateral channel can be quickly established, and the brain's blood supply can be improved to a larger extent.


Can this strange disease be prevented? Congenital factors are difficult to prevent, but acquired factors are preventable. First of all, it is necessary to control the occurrence of infections, prevent the damage of blood vessels caused by infectious diseases, and seek medical treatment in time if there are diseases; secondly, it is necessary to change the existing unhealthy life, such as smoking and drinking, high-fat diet, staying up late, and lack of exercise.

From website: https://my-h5news.app.xinhuanet.com/

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