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发布日期:2021-11-17 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



To prevent and treat depression in adolescents, education must be returned to the standard of educating people


According to the website of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education recently responded to the CPPCC "Proposal on Further Implementing the Prevention and Treatment Measures for Adolescent Depression", which clearly included depression screening in the content of student health examinations, established student mental health files, and assessed student mental health Give special attention to students with abnormal evaluation results.


Last year, in order to implement the relevant requirements of the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" mental health promotion action, strengthen the prevention and treatment of depression, encourage the development of the pilot area of ​​the social psychological service system to explore the development of special services for the prevention and treatment of depression, and the national health and health The General Office of the Committee issued the "Exploring the Work Plan for Depression Prevention and Cure Specialized Services", requiring all high schools and institutions of higher learning to incorporate depression screening into the content of student health examinations, establish student mental health files, evaluate students’ mental health, and respond to abnormal results. Students give key attention.


In other words, the measures for the prevention and treatment of adolescent depression mentioned in the reply made by the Ministry of Education this time have been assigned to relevant departments and schools as work requirements as early as last year. Then, what needs to be asked is, what is the implementation situation? Pay attention to the prevention and treatment of depression in adolescents. We should not take it seriously when there are problems. We should keep our attention in the documents and work plans. Instead, we need to establish a long-term mechanism that really pays attention to it.


Relevant investigations and studies have shown that the problem of depression among adolescents in my country is becoming more serious and younger, and more and more students are plagued by depression. However, the public's awareness of common mental disorders and psychological and behavioral problems is still relatively low, and the knowledge of prevention and treatment and the awareness of active medical treatment are still lacking. Some patients and their families still have a sense of stigma. In this case, some students recovered due to timely discovery, early consultation, counseling, intervention, and treatment, while others missed crisis intervention due to lack of corresponding psychological knowledge and scientific understanding, leading to tragedies. Obviously, if we can take the initiative to strengthen the screening of depression, then problems will be discovered in time, and targeted guidance and treatment will be given.


Incorporating depression screening into student health examinations has two important meanings: one is to carry out psychological science popularization among young people, so that young students can understand their own psychological conditions and promote their mental health. According to reports, on July 24, 2019, the China Youth Daily launched a survey on depression among college students on Weibo. In more than 300,000 votes, more than 20% of college students believed that they had serious depression tendencies. But this is only the students' self-knowledge, lacking scientific basis, and if they lack scientific knowledge, some students will not take depression seriously, and some will be troubled by suspicion that they have depression and increase their psychological burden.


The second is to conduct targeted guidance and intervention on the objects that need to be focused on that have been screened out. "To solve the bell, you must tie the bell." For a long time, schools, families and society in our country have tended to treat psychological problems as ideological and moral problems. For example, students have a tendency to be depressed, but parents criticize their attitude toward learning, lack of improvement, or lack of determination. Screening for depression can encourage schools and families to take children’s psychological problems seriously.


In the screening process, there are also problems that need attention. The first is how to protect the privacy of students. In view of the widespread prejudice against psychological problems in the society, and health problems are inherently private, for students with psychological problems and depression tendencies, it is necessary to emphasize the protection of privacy, and not aggravate the psychological pressure of students due to privacy leaks. Not to mention mental health as a part of comprehensive quality evaluation, which will lead to students not cooperating in screening.


The second is to provide personalized psychological counseling and counseling to students. For those who are already suffering from severe depression, professional medical treatment and treatment are needed; for general psychological problems, schools need to strengthen mental health education, and pay attention to the mental health of students by playing the role of professional psychological teachers. In July this year, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Students' Mental Health", requesting to further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of students' mental health work, and focus on improving students' mental health literacy. The notice also made it clear that each elementary and middle school must be equipped with at least one full-time mental health education teacher, and colleges and universities should be equipped with a full-time mental health education teacher at a teacher-student ratio of not less than 1:4000, and each school should be equipped with at least two. But the reality is not optimistic. Some primary and secondary schools are not equipped with full-time psychology teachers at all, and some even have multiple jobs.


Fundamentally speaking, attaching importance to the mental health of students is to "educate people". At present, many primary and secondary schools have a tendency to "educate students rather than educate people", and not pay enough attention to mental health. Some not only don't pay attention to students' psychological After the problem, the guidance has even continued to create psychological problems. The survey shows that the psychological problems of primary and middle school students mainly stem from academic pressure, pressure to enter a higher education, and contradictions between teachers and students, and parent-child conflicts caused by their studies and further studies. Paying attention to the mental health of young people requires timely guidance and treatment, and more importantly, returning education to the standard of educating people, and building an education ecology that focuses on the physical and mental health of children.

From website: https://my-h5news.app.xinhuanet.com/

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