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发布日期:2021-11-16 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:



Sleeping drooling is a sound sleep? Also hinted at these diseases


Are you drooling while sleeping? Ever wake up and find that the pillow is soggy? Is it because you dreamed of eating something delicious or sleeping too soundly?


It's really not. Normal people rarely drool. If an adult drools during sleep, it may be related to the following reasons.

口腔问题 所谓的口水,医学上也叫唾液,是无色透明有泡沫稍浑浊的液体,唾液中含有黏蛋白,来自口腔黏膜下方或邻近组织的腺体,人每天分泌唾液1.5升左右。

Oral problems The so-called "saliva", also called saliva in medicine, is a colorless, transparent, foamy and slightly turbid liquid. The saliva contains mucin, which comes from the glands under the oral mucosa or adjacent tissues. People secrete about 1.5 liters of saliva every day.


Common causes of drooling due to oral problems may be unaccustomed to first wearing false teeth, obvious foreign body sensation, which stimulates increased saliva secretion; oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, or oral mucosal diseases. For example: patients with recurrent aphtha, herpetic stomatitis, etc., can cause increased saliva secretion and cause drooling in adults.

鼻腔问题 鼻子是人体的呼吸与嗅觉器官,非常重要。如果鼻子出现了问题,例如常见的鼻炎导致的鼻塞,会使我们在睡觉的时候容易出现呼吸困难的情况,这时身体就会自动地选择通过口腔来呼吸,这样人体就会张嘴呼吸。

Nasal cavity problems The nose is the body's breathing and olfactory organs, which is very important. If there is a problem with the nose, such as nasal congestion caused by common rhinitis, we are prone to breathing difficulties when sleeping. At this time, the body will automatically choose to breathe through the mouth, so that the body will breathe with its mouth open.


During this process, the oral cavity will also secrete saliva, and because the oral cavity is open, saliva can easily flow out of the oral cavity, so drooling occurs when sleeping.


Spleen and stomach disorders


From the perspective of Chinese medicine, it may also be caused by the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. Disorders of the spleen and stomach are manifested as spleen and stomach dampness and heat, weakened spleen and stomach movement, etc. This is the so-called "stomach disorder causes restless sleep", which leads to drooling during sleep.


Facial neuritis


Various factors such as cold, cold, herpes virus infection, etc. cause vasospasm of the facial nutrient nerves, leading to nerve tissue ischemia, edema and facial paralysis. One side of the forehead wrinkles disappeared, the eyelids could not be closed, the cheeks could not be swollen, and the whistle could not be blown, resulting in drooling on one side.


Stroke aura


For people with high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, long-term heavy smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc., or the elderly at high risk of stroke, frequent drooling is likely to be a precursor to stroke. If you have symptoms such as dizziness, headache, crooked mouth, numbness of one limb, and poor mobility, it is recommended to go to the neurology department of the hospital in time.


Speaking of stroke, a small science on disease is interspersed. Stroke, also known as stroke, is a disorder of cerebral blood circulation that starts suddenly. Due to various predisposing factors, the occlusion of intracerebral arteries (ischemic stroke) or rupture (hemorrhagic stroke) causes acute cerebral blood circulation disorders.


Here is a three-step identification method for "stroke 1-2-0":


1 Look: Asymmetrical face, crooked mouth, and unable to smile normally.


2 Check: Raise both arms, one side is weak and cannot be raised.


0 Listening: Hearing speech is slurred and difficult to express.


Call the emergency number immediately after confirming the symptoms, try to go to a hospital with thrombolytic ability, and inform the main symptoms and onset time.

睡眠姿势 对于许多办公族来说,午休时常用和方便的姿势就是趴着睡或侧身睡。但这两种姿势,都会导致下巴不由自主地张开,大量口水堆积在嘴角而不会触发吞咽的动作,因此出现流口水的现象。

Sleeping position For many office workers, a common and convenient position during lunch break is to sleep on your stomach or sideways. But these two postures will cause the jaw to open involuntarily, and a large amount of saliva accumulates at the corner of the mouth without triggering the swallowing action, so drooling occurs.


According to the above reasons that may induce drooling during sleep, judge which one you belong to, adjust your inappropriate sleeping posture, maintain oral hygiene, avoid nasal diseases, etc., if necessary, you can go to the hospital to further determine the cause of your sleep drooling.

From website: https://my-h5news.app.xinhuanet.com/


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