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“葡萄界爱马仕”跌落神坛?6年,从每斤300元跌至每斤10元 “阳光玫瑰”怎么了

发布日期:2021-08-24 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:

 “葡萄界爱马仕”跌落神坛?6年,从每斤300元跌至每斤10 “阳光玫瑰”怎么了

"Hermes in the grape world" fell to the altar? In 6 years, it dropped from 300 yuan per catty to 10 yuan per catty. What happened to "Sunshine Rose"


Luo Huajun, director of the Fengyuan Agricultural Base in Daxing Township, Xichang City, said in an interview with Red Star News that the base was established in 2014. During this period, due to management and technical problems, it experienced twists and turns in the process of planting Sunshine Rose grapes. In recent years, the base has summed up planting experience and lessons, and sought technical support from colleges and universities, and has also established a technical team, so the output and quality of fruit are guaranteed. "The Henan boss bought 60 acres of fruit in one go. This year's market has declined compared to last year, but our price per catty is four or five yuan higher than last year. This is the best proof of the quality and price increase."


Speaking of this year's sunshine rose grape market, Luo Huajun believes that the sharp increase in the supply of this variety has led to a decline in the market, but high-quality fruits are still favored by the market.


Wang Haibo, an expert from the Institute of Fruit Trees, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the quality of Sunshine Rose grapes will be uneven after a large number of them are listed. Although price fluctuations are determined by the market, the quality can be determined by itself. Sell ​​at a good price, so don't be overly pessimistic. However, he also reminded farmers that they should consider the market saturation to arrange planting and avoid blindly following the trend. No matter any variety, once the output increases, the price decline is inevitable. At present, instead of expanding the output, it is better to control the production and increase the quality. Kind of, quality enhancement is the way out for profit.


In 6 years, from the sky-high price of 300 yuan per catty to a few yuan or more than ten yuan today, Sunshine rose grapes entered the fruit plate of ordinary people and became one of the typical "noble fruits and common people's prices". In this regard, some people in the industry said that the "sky-high price sky" is not unusual. The price of the "Sunshine Rose" will eventually return to the market. Any variety will have vitality only when it enters the homes of ordinary people.

From websitehttps://www.chengdu.cn/

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