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发布日期:2021-07-15 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


Why do Muslim women wear black robes all their lives?
It is mentioned in the "Quran" that Muslim women, except in front of their husbands and other relatives, should bow their heads and look down, cover their bodies, and hang their headscarves to the front of their clothes, without showing beauty or decoration. There is a saying in Chinese feudal society that "women are the ones who please themselves". The Islamic canon actually advocates that the figure and appearance of a woman belong only to the husband and cannot be shown to outsiders. And this ‘shame body’ refers to all parts except the face and hands. In other words, Islam does not require women to cover their faces. Therefore, many people's concept of Muslim women is "showing only two eyes", which is a bit one-sided.
当然了,在阿拉伯生活着,这里的确是有很多女性真的只露两只眼睛,他们在外面吃东西的时候会从面巾下面伸进去,把食物送到嘴里,但在外人看来自然是看不见她们吞吞吐吐的啦。我认识的人里面就有遮面的女性,因为她们的装束我一开始也会认为她们是很死板的人,可相处了才发现,其实根本不是呢。 中东国家大多信奉伊斯兰教,而伊斯兰教又对妇女有严厉的规矩准则, 从婚姻方面说:一、伊斯兰教禁止有生育能力的穆斯林不娶不嫁,一夫多妻是人类的一种古老而普遍的现象,伊斯兰教不鼓励而是有条件的允许多妻,原因是由于长期的战争使男子大量死亡,许多妇女成为寡妇难以出嫁,而游牧经济又是妇女的劳动及谋生受到很大的限制,一般最多只允许1个男子娶4个妻子。但到目前为止,一夫一妻制的家庭在穆斯林国家正在逐渐的普及开来。
Of course, living in Arabia, there are indeed many women here who really only show two eyes. When they eat outside, they will go in under the face towel and deliver the food to their mouths, but it is natural to outsiders. I can't see them hesitating. Among the people I know, there are women who cover their faces. Because of their attire, I would think that they are very rigid people at first, but after getting along, I found out that they are not at all. Most countries in the Middle East believe in Islam, and Islam has strict rules and guidelines for women. From the perspective of marriage: 1. Islam prohibits fertile Muslims from marrying or marrying. Polygamy is an ancient and common form of mankind. It is a phenomenon that Islam does not encourage but conditionally allows polygamy. The reason is that long-term wars have caused a large number of men to die, many women become widows and it is difficult for them to marry, and nomadic economy is that women’s labor and earning a living are greatly restricted, generally at most Only one man is allowed to marry four wives. But so far, monogamous families are gradually gaining popularity in Muslim countries.
From website:https://zhidao.baidu.com/
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