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发布日期:2021-4-1 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


These wild vegetables should be eaten properly, come to Dali to taste the strongest spring flavor on May 1st!
蕨菜是‘山菜之王’。 Bracken is the ‘king of mountain vegetables’.
Bracken, a rare delicacy, is considered to be a green wild vegetable without any pollution. Its unexpanded young leaf buds taste smooth and fragrant. It can not only be eaten coldly and fried, but also can be baked into dried vegetables, stuffed, and pickled into cans.
藜蒿菜Artemisia quinoa
The tender stems of Artemisia quinquefolia are fragrant, crisp and delicious, and can be used as a staple food or ingredient. It can be cooked or served cold, with excellent color and taste. Artemisia quinoa is not only a delicious dish, but also has the effect of lowering blood pressure, which is excellent for dietary therapy.
山芹菜 Mountain Celery
The whole plant is wild mountain celery, which resembles celery, has a special smell like celery, has good color, fragrance, and is a high-grade rare vegetable in celery.
The celery is washed and cut with a knife and mixed with pork. It is delicious and appetizing. It is delicious and delicious. It can also be eaten with fried meat or cold salad. It is extremely nutritious.
小米菜Millet dishes
Red and green millet vegetables are mostly grown in the fields. Yunnan people call it millet vegetables, Sichuan people call it dry vegetables, and its scientific name is also amaranth. Millet dishes are a common dish on the dinner table of Yunnan people. It tastes sweet and slightly bitter. There is a folk saying that "amaranth in June is used as an egg; amaranth in July is not changed for gold", which shows its high nutritional value. The leaves, seeds and roots of millet vegetables can be used medicinally to clear away heat and detoxify.
Toon is a rare treasure among vegetables. It is known as the "greens on the tree". It can be pickled, cold, fried, fried and eaten in many ways. It is said that toon pickled vegetables is also a must.
Toon is also rich in vitamin C, high-quality protein and minerals such as phosphorus and iron. It has the functions of bitter taste and cold, clearing away heat and detoxification, invigorating the stomach and regulating qi.
刺五加 Acanthopanax
If you want to have a date with delicious mountain vegetables, then you must not miss Eleutherococcus senticosus.
Acanthopanax senticosus is an excellent ingredient, and also an excellent medicinal material. Pick the tender green stems and leaves, or stir-fry them, or put them in the soup. The moment when acanthopanax is added to the mouth, you can taste a bit of bitterness, but after chewing, it will return to sweetness, and even the mouth will be sweet.
Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen’s "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded: "It would be better to have five plus one than a car full of gold and jade." Acanthopanax senticosus has the effects of replenishing essence, nourishing marrow, replenishing qi and spleen, invigorating the kidney and soothing the nerves.
Have you seen green-yellow, scaly, slender and graceful asparagus?
The scientific name of asparagus is Asparagus cypress. Its tender stems can be eaten as vegetables. Asparagus fish rolls with steamed eggs, asparagus duck tongue, oily garlic asparagus, lily asparagus...Each dish is matched with green asparagus. , Tender and delicious.
The tender stems of asparagus are rich in a variety of vitamins and various amino acids, which have certain effects on diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Its fleshy roots have a diuretic effect and are regarded as a health food.
Umbrella-shaped and tender, plump and tender, this kind of dish that resembles toon is called tree head dish. It is a wild dish produced in the mountainous areas of Yangbi, Yongping, Yunlong, Heqing and other counties in Dali Prefecture.
It can be fried or served cold. After cooking, it is tender and attractive, delicious and sweet, and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying. It is the darling of people on the table.
From website: http://my-h5news.app.xinhuanet.com/
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