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中国学者研发“织物” 可将显示器“穿”在身上

发布日期:2021-3-20 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


中国学者研发“织物” 可将显示器“穿”在身上
Chinese scholars develop "fabric" to "wear" the display on the body
Using smart electronic fabrics to make soft clothes, "wear" the display on the body, and then you can browse consultations, send and receive messages, etc. from the clothes you are wearing. This is not a plot in a science fiction movie. Chinese scholars have developed magical "fabrics."
The reporter learned on the 11th that a research team led by Professor Peng Huisheng of the Department of Macromolecular Science of Fudan University has successfully integrated the preparation of display devices with the fabric weaving process and integrated multifunctional micro light-emitting devices at the interweaving points of polymer composite fibers. Researchers revealed unique laws and realized large-area flexible display fabrics and intelligent integrated systems. Related research results were published online in the main journal of Nature in the early morning of the 11th Beijing time.
In field work scenes such as polar scientific expeditions and geological prospecting, you can display location information in real time with just a few taps on the clothes. The map navigation is guided by the "clothes"; people with language barriers can "wear" the display on their bodies. Efficient and convenient communication and expression... Peng Huisheng believes that these scenes originally in imagination may be able to enter people's lives in the near future.
It is understood that in the past ten years, the research team led by Peng Huisheng has been committed to the research and development of intelligent polymer fibers and fabrics. How to construct a programmable and controllable array of light-emitting points on soft fibers with a diameter of only tens to hundreds of microns is a major problem that plagues scientists in related fields, and also plagues the team. According to reports, the research team focuses on the development of two special functional fibers, through which the warp and weft are interwoven to form an electroluminescent unit, and through effective circuit control, a new type of flexible display fabric is realized.
Compared with traditional flat light-emitting devices, the diameter of the light-emitting fiber can be precisely adjusted between 0.2 mm and 0.5 mm, which establishes its "super-fine and super-flexible" characteristics. According to reports, clothing woven with this material, one needle and one thread, can closely follow the contours of the human body, is as light and breathable as ordinary fabrics, and has good wearing comfort.
In real life, the clothes worn on the body will inevitably get bumps and bumps, and they also need to be cleaned daily. How to make the display fabric adapt to changes in the external environment, and even resist repeated friction, bending, stretching and other external forces, to ensure the stability of light emission? Peng Huisheng told reporters that the team prepared a highly elastic transparent polymer conductive fiber through a melt extrusion method to ensure that the "pixels" in the fabric emit light uniformly and stably.
"This is the luminous fiber material we use for weaving." During the interview, Peng Huisheng picked up a roll of fiber wound on the spindle and introduced. The reporter saw that these fiber materials with a diameter of less than half a millimeter still had many rolls on the experimental table, with different colors. At first glance, they looked similar to ordinary yarns in life. "When we power them up, they will show a unique aspect-they will invent bright light." Peng Huisheng picked up a sweater at hand and showed its basic functions. The Fudan University emblem on the sweater was made of blue-emitting fibers. It is woven, and the blue school badge pattern is clearly recognizable indoors when the power is turned on.
During the interview, the reporter learned that this kind of smart electronic fabric can effectively promote the rapid integration of traditional textile manufacturing and emerging fields such as the Internet of Things, human-computer interaction, big data, and artificial intelligence. People's way of life brings about new changes. "We also look forward to the participation of industry partners to jointly solve specific problems in practical applications." When it comes to the future development of the display system, Peng Huisheng is full of expectations.
During the interview, the reporter learned that in addition to display fabrics, the research team also implemented a functional integration system of photovoltaic fabrics, energy storage fabrics, touch-sensing fabrics and display fabrics based on weaving methods, enabling the integration of energy conversion and storage, sensing and It is possible to display and other multifunctional fabric system.
From website: http://tech.cnr.cn/
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