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发布日期:2021-02-24 08:47:32 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


Nearly 500,000 deaths! The New York Times' front page long picture reveals the US epidemic disaster
中新网2月22日电 综合报道,当地时间21日,美国《纽约时报》头版以巨幅点状图揭示了全美新冠疫情灾难:图表时间轴上,一个点代表一个因新冠病毒在美国逝去的生命,从2020年2月29日报告第1个死亡病例迄今,已累计有近50万个死亡病例。
Chinanews.com, February 22nd, comprehensive report, on the 21st local time, the front page of the US "New York Times" revealed the disaster of the new crown epidemic in the United States with a huge dot chart: on the timeline of the chart, a dot represents a new crown virus in the United States Life lost, since the first death case was reported on February 29, 2020, there have been nearly 500,000 deaths.
When the number of deaths from the new crown in the United States is approaching 500,000, the front page of the US "New York Times" revealed the disaster of the new crown epidemic in the United States with a huge dotted graph.
Although the number of new confirmed cases notified daily in the United States has fallen sharply, thousands of people still die from the disease every day. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of now, the total number of confirmed cases of new crown in the United States has exceeded 28.1 million, with more than 498,000 deaths.
On the 21st, the front page of the "New York Times" revealed the disaster of the nationwide epidemic in a huge dotted graph. Nearly 500,000 black dots on the front page have become more closely distributed over time, representing an acceleration in the growth rate of deaths in the United States.
 "The New York Times" art editor Letheby said: "The epidemic has lasted for a long time, and people are beginning to feel numb. We try to remind people of what is still happening." "About this special work, we want The amazing thing about the explanation is how fast it happened."
"The New York Times" art editor Gamio also believes that the presentation of the graphs on the 21st is very appropriate, "the purpose is to make people have a visual impact." Gamio mentioned that graphs and words can express the situation as powerfully as words. , "This is an extraordinary moment, and the visual language of the newspaper can reflect this."
On the same day, the "New York Times" also reported that "more Americans died from the new crown virus than in the first world war, second world war, and Vietnam war combined."
In May 2020, when the number of deaths from the new crown in the United States reached 100,000, the front page of the "New York Times" published the obituaries of 1,000 of them, equivalent to 1% of the total number of deaths in the country. After the names of the 1,000 deceased, there is a brief description saying that they are "grandfathers who can fix anything", "wives who have not had time to enjoy the joy of newlyweds", focusing on every "deceased" instead of "numbers."
From website: http://baijiahao.baidu.com/
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