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发布日期:2021-02-23 08:47:39 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


The harm of cigarettes
香烟中毒性最大的是烟碱,又叫 尼古丁。一支香烟的尼古丁为6-8毫 克,足以毒死一只老鼠;二十支香烟的尼古丁可以毒死一头牛。使人致死的尼古丁剂量为50-75毫克,一个人每天吸二十至二十五支烟,就可以达到这个剂量。只是由于尼古丁是逐渐进入人体并逐渐解毒的,才不会至死。当然,人体在这个过程中,也会受到很大伤害。
The most toxic substance in cigarettes is nicotine, also called nicotine. A cigarette contains 6-8 milligrams of nicotine, which is enough to poison a mouse; the nicotine of twenty cigarettes can poison a cow. The lethal dose of nicotine is 50-75 mg, and a person can reach this dose by smoking 20 to 25 cigarettes a day. Only because nicotine gradually enters the human body and gradually detoxifies, it will not die. Of course, the human body will suffer great harm in this process.
Smoking easily causes:
一、肺部疾病:香烟燃烧时释放38种有毒化学物质,其中有害成份主要有焦油、一氧化碳、尼古丁、二恶英和刺激性烟雾等。焦油对口腔、喉部、气管、肺部均有损害。烟草烟雾中的 焦油沉积在肺部绒毛上,破坏了绒毛的功能,使痰增加,使支气管发生慢性病变,气管炎、肺气肿、肺心病肺癌便会产生。
1. Pulmonary diseases: 38 kinds of toxic chemical substances are released when cigarettes are burned, among which harmful components are mainly tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine, dioxins and irritating smoke. Tar damages the mouth, throat, trachea, and lungs. The tar in tobacco smoke deposits on the lung villi, destroys the function of villi, increases sputum, and causes chronic bronchial diseases, such as bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease and lung cancer.
2. Cardiovascular diseases: The carbon monoxide in cigarettes reduces the oxygen content in the blood, causing related diseases such as high blood pressure. Smoking constricts the coronary arteries, reduces or blocks the supply, and causes myocardial infarction. Smoking can increase adrenaline, cause faster heartbeat, increase heart load, affect blood circulation and cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, sudden death syndrome, decreased respiratory function, stroke and more than 20 diseases.
三、吸烟致癌:研究发现,吸烟是产生自由基最快最多的方式,每吸一口烟至少会产生10万个 自由基,从而导致癌症和许多慢性病。
3. Smoking causes cancer: Studies have found that smoking is the fastest way to generate free radicals. Every puff of cigarette produces at least 100,000 free radicals, which can lead to cancer and many chronic diseases.
4.Smoking can also lead to osteoporosis and early menopause. Smoking can make men lose their sexual function and reproductive function. Smoking in pregnant women can lead to premature delivery and underweight fetuses, which increases the chance of miscarriage. Smoking makes teeth yellow and makes bad breath easier.
5. The harm of smoking to intelligence. Smoking can affect people's attention. Smoking seriously affects people's intelligence and memory, thereby reducing the efficiency of work and study.
From website: https://zhidao.baidu.com/
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