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译语翻译分享-冬季保暖的11个小常识 (上篇)

发布日期:2020-12-07 11:40:50 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


冬季保暖的11个小常识 (上篇)
11 tips for keeping warm in winter (chapter 1)
1、多吃热量高的食物 Eat more high-calorie foods
膳食中应多补充产热营养素,如碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质,以提高肌体对低温的耐受力。尤其应考虑补充富含蛋白质的食物,如瘦肉、鸡鸭肉、鸡蛋、鱼、牛奶、豆类及其制品等。The diet should be supplemented with more thermogenic nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, to improve the body's tolerance to low temperatures. In particular, consider supplementing foods rich in protein, such as lean meat, chicken, duck, eggs, fish, milk, beans and their products.
Methionine can provide a series of methyl groups necessary for cold tolerance through transfer. The cold climate increases the excretion of creatine in human urine and accelerates fat metabolism. The synthesis of creatine, fatty acid, and phospholipids require methyl groups to release heat from oxidation in the mitochondria. Therefore, in winter, you should consume more foods containing more methionine, such as sesame, sunflower seeds, yeast, dairy products, and leafy vegetables.
2、晨起服热粥Take hot porridge in the morning
Take hot porridge in the morning and go on a diet for dinner to raise stomach qi. When it's cold, get up early in the morning and drink a bowl of hot porridge, which can help keep warm, increase the body's ability to keep out the cold, and prevent colds. For people with throat discomfort, inflammation and pain, warm porridge juice can moisturize the throat and effectively relieve the discomfort.
Glutinous rice and red dates porridge, eight-treasure porridge, millet porridge, etc. are most suitable. You can also eat longan porridge for soothing the mind and heart, chrysanthemum porridge for clearing fire and brightening, crucian porridge for stomach and intestines, tuckahoe porridge for invigorating the spleen and stomach, sesame porridge for nourishing vitality and yin, walnut porridge for nourishing yin and strengthening essence, and nourishing Qi Jujube porridge for nourishing yin, Tremella porridge for nourishing the lungs and promoting body fluid, and carrot porridge for eliminating food and phlegm.
3、手套护手Gloves to protect hands
In addition to wearing gloves to keep warm when you go out, it is best to wear rubber gloves when washing dishes and clothes at home. On the one hand, you can avoid cold water stimulation, and on the other hand, you can also avoid the damage to the hand skin of the detergent. In addition, the water temperature for washing your hands should not be too hot. After washing, apply petroleum jelly or hand cream to protect your skin when your hands are not dry.
Friends who change their hands and get cold in winter may wish to do more "dry hands" movements, that is, rub their hands together and rub them to generate heat, which promotes blood circulation and prevents cold.
4、吃含铁、钙的食物Eat foods containing iron and calcium
Fear of cold may be related to lack of calcium and iron. The amount of calcium in the human body can directly affect the flexibility and excitability of myocardium, blood vessels and muscles; iron deficiency in the blood is an important cause of iron deficiency anemia, often manifested by low caloric production and low body temperature. Therefore, supplementing foods rich in calcium and iron can improve the body's ability to keep warm. Calcium-containing foods mainly include milk, soy products, kelp, seaweed, shells, oysters, sardines, shrimps, etc.; iron-containing foods are mainly animal blood, egg yolks, pig liver, soybeans, sesame, black fungus, and red dates.
5、衣服选择保暖、舒适Choose clothes to keep warm and comfortable
Winter clothes should have a certain number of pieces and appropriate thickness. Down jackets have a certain thickness, and the pores of the wool fabric are not straight, which can bring a suitable clothing microclimate. Leather clothing can almost block the air convection in the clothes. Wear leather clothing when you go out in winter to keep warm.
Do not dress too high or tight collar. Too tight a collar will compress the blood vessels in the neck and reduce the nutrients delivered to the brain and eyes, which will affect vision and the normal activities of the cervical spine, which can easily lead to cervical spondylosis.
6、保暖从脚开始 Keep warm from the feet
There is a folk saying that "cold grows from the soles of the feet". Because the feet are the most distal part of the human body, the fat is thin, and the ability to keep warm is poor. Chinese medicine believes that the plantar acupuncture points are closely related to the internal organs. If the feet are cold, it can cause colds, abdominal pain, low back pain, dysmenorrhea, etc., so pay attention to keeping the feet warm Protection from the cold. Fitness in winter means fitness.
Always use warm and hot water to wash your feet every day. It is best to massage and stimulate the acupoints of your feet at the same time. Keep walking for more than half an hour every day and move your feet. Keep rubbing the soles of your feet in the morning and evening to improve blood circulation.
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