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女王找“脚替” 新鞋比不上旧鞋舒服-译语翻译每周单词学习

发布日期:2017-04-27 16:22:55 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


According to the Standard, the Queen has hired such a Royal Shoe Breaker-Inner: someone to walk around the palace's hallowed hallways every time she gets a new pair of kicks, in order to prevent royal blisters from forming. A footman, if you will. Or footwoman. Plastering up your broken flesh with Boots' finest wouldn't be very regal, after all.
据《标准晚报》报道,伊丽莎白女王雇佣了一名专门替她把鞋子穿软的工作人员。女王每得到一双新鞋,该工作人员就需要穿上它在白金汉宫神圣的走廊里来回踱步,直到把鞋子穿软,以防女王高贵的双脚被磨出水泡。如果你得到这份工作,可以说,你就是女王的“脚替”了。毕竟,以女王如此尊贵的身份,穿着高级鞋子的双脚可不能伤痕累累。女王找“脚替” 新鞋比不上旧鞋舒服-译语翻译每周单词学习。
Warning: Must not have smelly feet. This is very important.
女王找“脚替” 新鞋比不上旧鞋舒服-译语翻译单词学习:
Role 角色
Royal shoe breaker-inner. No, really! This is legit! Keep reading!
Salary 薪资
Competitive. Have you been a shoe breaker-inner before? No? Then why do you think you should start your career at Buckingham Palace? This should be the culmination of your career. You will be the envy of millions. Go to shoe-breaker-inner college and do the time.
Location 地点
Buckingham Palace. Up the stairs, down the corridors, around the garden. You might say you will be following in the Queen’s footsteps.
Experience 工作经历
You need to have broken in some tough shoes. I am not talking slippers. I am talking pointy-toed patent leather stilettos, taken out of the box and then worn for the duration of a 48-hour shift on a farmyard. Are you tough as old boots? You must be tougher. You must be older and tougher than tough old boots. And you must be size 4. This is important.
你必须征服过一些质地很硬的鞋子。我说的可不是拖鞋,我指的是尖头漆皮高跟鞋。将新鞋从鞋盒里拿出来,在一个农家庭院里连续穿上48小时。所以,问问你自己,你的脚结实吗?你可要保证你的脚得比坚固的旧鞋子还要结实,要无坚不摧。还有,你的鞋码应该是4码,这很重要。女王找“脚替” 新鞋比不上旧鞋舒服-译语翻译每周单词学习。
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