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发布日期:2017-04-11 08:18:25 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:


投票结果:在一项非约束性的决议中,欧盟委员会成员以426赞成,230票反对,38票弃权的结果否决了对Bt11 × 59122 × MIR604 × 1507 × Ga21转基因玉米及其20个组合的许可。欧盟委员会成员称,这种转基因玉米的组合缺乏相关的数据,此前,4个非政府组织,即IFOAM EU,欧洲地球之友(Friends of the Earth Europe),绿色和平组织和慢食运动组织(Slow Food)联合致函欧盟委员会成员,督促他们否决对转基因玉米品种进口的许可。



Last week, most members of the European Parliament rejected a permit to import a new genetically modified corn, which is resistant to herbicides and pests. And in 2016, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is very optimistic about this corn, genetically modified corn "in the EU market setback, but the European Commission wants to import food and feed containing this material.

Results: in a non binding resolution, the European Commission members of 426 in favor, 230 votes against, 38 abstentions, rejected the results of Bt11 * 59122 * MIR604 * 1507 * Ga21 and 20 transgenic maize combinations of license. The European Commission members said that this combination of transgenic maize by the lack of relevant data, previously, 4 non-governmental organizations, namely IFOAM EU, European friends of the earth (Friends of the Earth Europe), Greenpeace and the slow food movement (Slow Food) sent a letter to the European Commission members, urging them to reject the import the licensing of genetically modified maize varieties.

In October 2015, the European Parliament rejected a bill that would allow EU Member States to restrict or ban the sale and use of food or feed licensed by the European union. The commission members said that the law is not feasible, and has different transgenic policies of other countries to restore border inspection. European feed producers association (FEFAC) in its latest annual report on the European Commission to delay the approval of genetically modified food and feed import license has been criticized for criticism.


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