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发布日期:2015-3-10 14:30:53 发布者:译语翻译公司 页面功能: 【字体:

 Set amid the chaos of pre-revolutionary China, small time thief, Sing, aspires to be one of the sophisticated and ruthless Axe Gang whose underworld activities overshadow the city.

Stumbling across a crowded apartment complex aptly known as "Pig Sty Alley", Sing attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals, but the neighbors are not what they appear. Sing's comical attempts at intimidation inadvertently attract the Axe Gang into the fray, setting off a chain of events that brings the two disparate worlds face-to-face.
As the inhabitants of the Pig's Cage fight for their lives, the ensuing clash of kung fu titans unearths some legendary martial arts Masters. Sing, despite his futile attempts, lacks the soul of a killer, and must face his own mortality in order to discover thr true nature of the kung fu master.
    故事发生在二十世纪四十年代的中国, 一个叫星仔的小偷立志要加入势力庞大、手段残忍的黑帮“斧头帮”。
    星仔试图对住在叫作“猪笼城寨”的居民进行敲诈, 没想到这些看似平凡的老百姓居然个个身怀绝技,他不但钱没有捞到, 反而引来斧头帮对这地方的注意, 也引发了一连串连锁反应, 展开一场正邪势力的大对决。
    猪笼城寨的居民为了生存使出浑身解数, 并找来退隐江湖已久的武术泰斗和敌人周旋到底。至於星仔, 虽然他终於发现自己不是混黑帮的料,但是他仍要面对死亡的挑战, 并领悟到功夫的真谛。
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